Environmental Physics

A. Gróf: From Pressure Maps and Wind Velocity to Northern Lights and Other Fascinating Phenomena on the Rotating Earth, Phys. Teach. 59, 103 (2021) Journal link

T. Haszpra, M. Kiss and É. Izsa: RePLaT-Chaos-edu: an interactive educational tool for secondary school students for the illustration of the spreading of volcanic ash clouds, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012079 (2021)

I. Gärtner:: Energy supply only with renewables? Why does Hungary need to extend its nuclear power capacity?, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012078 (2021)

A. Gróf, Á. Szeidemann, T. Tél: Challenges in developing an interdisciplinary teaching material on effects related to the Earth’s rotation, Canadian Journal of Physics, Special Issue 2020, Volume 98, Number 6, Journal link

A. I. V. Vörös: Panel debate on energy production in high school physics teaching, Canadian Journal of Physics, Special Issue 2020, Volume 98, Number 6, (579-587) Journal link

A. M. Tasnádi: Thermoacoustics as a tool for teaching thermodynamics in secondary schools, Canadian Journal of Physics, Special Issue 2020, Volume 98, Number 6, (606-611) Journal link

M. Pető: Teaching atmospheric physics using Arduino-based tools, TIM19; AIP Conference Proceedings 2218, 010001 (2020) pp. 247-252.

A. Vörös, Cs. Fülöp, Zs. Sárközi: Fluid Dynamics Knowledge Comparison of Students with Different Educational Background, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2218, 060008 (2020)

A. I. V. Vörös: Outcomes of an Optional Environmental Physics Course in High School, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2218, 060008 (2020)

A. Komáromi: From the Torsion Balance to Space Gravimetry, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Research,Technology and Education of Space (H-SPACE 2020) pp. 68-69..

A. Komáromi: Da Eötvös Lóránd alla gravimetria spaziale, La Fisica Nella Scuola LI Suppl. n. 3-4, 129 (2018)

A. Komáromi: L'utilizzo di Arduino e di LEGO MINDSTORM EV3 nel liceo, La Fisica Nella Scuola 51: 3-4 pp. 129-134., 6 p. (2018)

A. Komáromi: Space mishap as a stimulus context for thermal conduction exploration in secondary school. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1286, 012006 (2019)

M. Pető, A. Király: How to build a mini meteorological station for your school? - A project with a citizen science perspective, Adv. Sci. Res., 16, 2019 pp. 185-189, doi: 10.5194/asr-16-185-2019

Z. Csernovszky, Á. Horvát: Organic solar cells and physics education, European Journal of Physics 39, 045804 (16pp), (2018)

I. Gärtner: A few years experience of energy consumption of a high school, in: Teaching Physics Innovatively, ed. T. Tél and A. Király (Graduate School for Physics, Eötvös Univ., Budapest, 2016) pp 137-142

J. Hegedűs: Towards green cars, Physics Competitions Vol 15 No 1 2013 pp. 52-57

T. Stonawski: Can Sunlit Leaves With Liquid Drops On Their Surface Be Burnt?, Physics Competitions Vol 15 No 1 2013 p.41-51

A. Tasnádi: Energy, Power and Climate Change in Physics Lessons, Physics Competitions Vol 15 No 1 2013 p.58-64

A. Gróf: Integrating Aspects of Geography in Physics Teaching, Physics Competitions Vol 14 No 2 2012 p.49-58

Á. Szeidemann: Teaching Facilites of Solar Energy in Secondary School, Physics Competitions Vol 13 No 1 2011 p.9-14

I. Ságodi Döményné: Atmospheric Phenomena in Physics Teaching, Physics Competitions Vol 12 No 2 2010

I. Ságodi Döményné, P. Tasnádi: Atmospheric Physics As A Tool For Making Physics More Interesting For Students, Web and CD on MPTL14 Udine University, 2009.

Chaotic Phenomena

I. Bajkó: Inquiry-based science teaching - The use of RePLaT-Chaos application, AIP Conference Proceedings 2843, 050007 (2023)

I. Bajkó: Chaos Physics in High School - Challenges in Multimedia Application, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2297, 012006 (2022)

I. Bajkó: Chaos Physics in Secondary School A Material Applicable in Online Teaching, Obzory matematiky, fiziky a informatiky 2/2021 (50) pp 22-34

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Find the equations of motion in various ways! - From Newton’s second law to Lagrangians, IoP Journal of Physics: Conf. Series GIREP Webinar 2020 (megjelenés alatt)

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: The world of fractals, Conference Book of 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20) pp. 939-947. , 9 p. (2020)

Z. Csernovszky, P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Investigation of chaos in the absence of programming skill, Canadian Journal of Physics, Special Issue 2020, Volume 98, Number 6, (593-605) Journal link

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Visualization of chaotic attractors in 3D as motivating tool for introductory physics course, IoP Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1286 (2019) 012028

Z. Csernovszky: From harmonic oscillation to chaotic motion of a compass, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1223 012004, (2019) Journal link

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Double Transient Chaotic Behaviour of a Rolling Ball, , Open Access Journal of Physics 2 : 2 pp. 11-16. , 5 p. (2018)

M. Gruiz, T. Meszéna, T. Tél: Chaotic or just complicated? Ball bouncing down the stairs, European Journal of Physics 38, 055003(15), (2017)

T. Meszéna: Chaos at High School, Scientia in Educatione Vol 8 (2017) pp. 238-246

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Irregular chaos in a bowl, In: Ewa Dębowska, Tomasz Greczyło (ed.) Key Competences in Physics Teaching and Learning: Proceedings of GIREP EPEC 2015, Institute of Experimental Physics, Wrocław, 2016., ISBN:978-83-913497-1-7, pp. 262-269.

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Network of Zeeman Catastrophe Machines for investigation of complex systems, European Journal of Physics 35 (2014), Paper 045010, pp 18

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Zeeman Catastrophe Machines as a toolkit for teaching chaos, European Journal of Physics 35 (2014), Paper 015018. 22 pp

J. Jaloveczki: Studying Non-linear and Chaotic Phenomena in High School, Physics Competitions Vol 13 No 1 2011 p.29-37

Modern Physics

F. Hennig, K. Tóth, J. Veith and P. Bitzenbauer: Mathematical sense making of quantum phenomena using Dirac notation: its effect on secondary school students' functional thinking about photons, Hennig et al. EPJ Quantum Technology 11:61 (2024)

F. Hennig, K. Tóth, M. Förster and P. Bitzenbauer: A new teaching-learning sequence to promote secondary school students' learning of quantum physics using Dirac notation, Phys. Educ. 59 045007 (2024)

K. Tóth: Dirac's Approach to Quantum Mechanics in Physics Teacher Education: From Linear to Circular Polarisation, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2750 012023 (2024)

K. Tóth, M. Michelini, P. Bitzenbauer: From light polarization to quantum physics: Supporting lower secondary school students' transition from gestalt to functional thinking, EURASIA J Math Sci Tech Ed, 2024, 20(6), em2449

K. Tóth, M. Michelini and P. Bitzenbauer: Exploring the effect of a phenomenological teaching-learning sequence on lower secondary school students' views of light polarisation, Phys. Educ. 59, 035009 (2024)

K. Tóth: Integrating Dirac approach to quantum mechanics into physics teacher education, AIP Conference Proceedings 2843, 050011 (2023)

K. Tóth, T. Tél: Quantum uncertainty: what to teach?, Phys. Educ. 58, 025019 (2023)

Michelini, M.; Stefanel, A.; Tóth, K.: Implementing Dirac Approach to Quantum Mechanics in a Hungarian Secondary School, School. Educ. Sci. 2022, 12, 606. (2022)

K. Tóth: Introducing Quantum Mechanics through light polarization: Experiences in Hungary, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2297, 012016 (2022)

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Phantasy and reality teleportation versus quantum computing, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012054 (2021)

F. Vitkóczi, K. Piláth: Measuring interference with ultrasound and Arduino – How to build an automated ultrasonic scanner, International Journal for Innovation Education and Research Vol 8 No 07 2020 pp: 60-75

A. Schramek, M. É. Oláh, Zs. Telek, K. Peter: Research-based teaching at Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary, Canadian Journal of Physics, Special Issue 2020, Volume 98, Number 6, (588-592) Journal link

É. Oláh, Cs. Fülöp: Teaching particle physics in a research laboratory, ICPE-EPEC 2013 Proceedings pp. 844-851

Cs. Szakmány: Luminescence in Nature and in the Education, Physics Competitions Vol 15 No 1 2013 pp. 58-64

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Projectile solutions on Minkowski diagram, Il Nuovo Cimento Vol. 33. C, N. 3. pp. 157-161 (2010)

B. Vető: Gravity Probe B experiment and gravitomagnetism, European Journal of Physics 31 (2010) 1123-1130

P. Nagy, P. Tasnádi: Fortune wheel as a tool for illustration the basic principles of statistical physics, Web and CD on MPTL14 Udine University, 2009.

Physics Education

K. Tóth, M. Michelini, P. Bitzenbauer: Exploring the effect of a phenomenological teaching-learning sequence on lower secondary school students´ views of light polarisation, Phys. Educ. 59 (2024) 035009

Zs. Sárközi, A. I. V. Vörös: A version of Buys Ballot experiment for quantitative proof of the Doppler effect in students' laboratory work, adapted to online conditions, AIP Conference Proceedings 2843, 050013 (2023)

T. Radnai, T. Tóthné Juhász, A. Juhász, P. Jenei: A Simulation Experiment Using Algodoo: What Force Makes a Car Accelerate, and What Does the Acceleration Depend On?, Phys. Teach. 61, pp. 271-275 (2023)

I. Takátsné Lucz, M. Milner-Bolotin: Video making as a powerful tool in physics teacher education and in teaching and learning, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2297, 012026 (2022)

T. Radnai, T. Tóthné Juhász, A. Juhász, P. Jenei: Effect of motion simulation programs in teaching force concept, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012042 (2021)

M. Szádeczky-Kardoss, A. Juhász and P. Tasnádi: Complex Physics Competition Involving Future Teacher, Obzory Matematiky, Fyziky a Informatiky 3/2021 (50) pp. 34-47 (2021)

I. Takátsné Lucz: Web 2.0 applications as the tools of motivation in Secondary Physics Education, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012041 (2021)

M. Milner-Bolotin at al: Contemporary Experiments and New Devices in Physics Classrooms, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012067 (2021)

I. Kuczmann: Misconceptions in mechanics and their elimination, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012005 (2021)

C. Wiener, T. Radnai, P. Tasnádi: Investigation of first-year university students’ performance, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1929 012089 (2021)

M. Träger, A. Juhász, P. Tasnádi: Complex physics competition involving future teachers, IoP Journal of Physics: Conf. Series GIREP Webinar 2020 (megjelenés alatt)

T. Radnai, T. Tóthné Juhász, A. Juhász, P. Jenei: Educational experiments with motion simulation programs: can gamification be effective in teaching mechanics?, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1223 012006 (2019)

D Featonby, F. Vitkoczi: Mirror matters - the question, Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 067001 Mirror matters - the answer, Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 057002

Cs. Fülöp, Zs. Ilosvay: Art and IT in a STEAM subject, In: AIS 2019, 14 th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas pp77-80

A. Teiermayer: Improving students' skills in Physics and Computer science using BBC Micro:bit, Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 065021 (8pp)

M. Pető: Science Club activity at Székely Mikó High School, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1287, Number 1, 012065, 2019, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1287/1/012065 (GIREP-MPTL 2018)

A. I. V. Vörös, Cs. Fülöp, Zs. Sárközi: Fluid Dynamics Knowledge Comparison of Students with Different Educational Background. TIM19 Physics Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, (accepted for publication)

S. G. Pesthy and M. Hömöstrei: Physics – IT based international student exchange program, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1223 012005, (2019) Journal link

T. Radnai, T. Tóthné Juhász, A. Juhász and P. Jenei: Educational experiments with motion simulation programs: can gamification be effective in teaching mechanics?, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.1223 012006, (2019) Journal link

I. Kuczmann: The Structure of Knowledge and Students’ Misconceptions in Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1916, American Institute of Physics, 2017

Cs. Fülöp: Information Society supporting an optional chapter (the Wonderful World of Measurements) in secondary school physics, In: AIS 2017 • 12th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas pp. 182-186,

Zs. Finta: Project-based ideas in optics for experimental activities using smartphones, Horizons of mathematics, physics and computer sciences 46, 2017.

B. Leitner: Uncoordinated Collaboration Among Students, US-China Education Review B, 7, No. 3 (2017), pp. 126-133.

B. Leitner: Physical Examination of Natural Phenomena Game Theory, Probability Theory and Network Properties, International Journal of Innovation and Research in Educational Sciences 4, Issue 4 (July 2017.), pp. 519-522.

T. Stonawski, T. Gálik: Analysing simple motions using the Doppler effect— seeing sound, Phys. Educ. 52 (2017) 015002 (8pp)

A. I. V. Vörös and Zs. Sárközi: Physics escape room as an educational tool, AIP Conference Proceedings 1916, 050002 (2017)

E. Bíróné Kabály: Galileo - the establisher of modern science, Understanding Science Webpage of Berkley University, 2014. (http://undsci.berkeley.edu/teaching/galileo.pdf)

Gy. Hudoba: Amazing magnetic balls, + video, Physics Education 48 (2013) 425-425.

I. Kuczmann: Student´s Misconceptions in Mechanics and their Manifestation in a Survey, Physics Competitions Vol 15 No 1 2013 p.76-85

T. Medvegy: Investigation of smart fluid properties in secondary school, ICPE-EPEC 2013 Proceedings pp. 1246-1253

K. Baranyai: Thermo-Cam at Topic Week, Physics Competitions Vol 13 No 1 2011 p.38-48

M. Hömöstrei: Similarity and Dimensional Analaysis in High School, Physics Competitions Vol 13 No 1 2011 p.20-28

L. Molnár, Gy. Kovács: Experimentation with Ferromagnetic Materials Using Transformers, Physics Competitions Vol 13 No 1 2011 p.49-54

D. Csabai: The E-Learning Evolution in Teaching Physics, Physics Competitions Vol 12 No 2 2010


M. Pető: Space research related topics at high school physics class, AIP Conference Proceedings 2843, 050006 (2023)

T. Kovács, A. Komáromi, A. Király: The popularization of space exploration amongst high school students, Selected papers of the 5th International Conference on Research, Technology and Education of Space (H-SPACE 2019) pp. 43-46. Paper: 30 , 4 p. (2019)

A. Komáromi: Multimedia Analysis of Satellite Data in Secondary Schools, In: Berke, J. (ed.): 25th Multimedia in Education Conference Proceedings. Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság Multimédia az Oktatásban Szakosztály (NJSZT MMO), Ericsson Magyarország R&D, Budapest, 2019, ISBN 9786155036156, doi: 10.26801/MMO.2019.1.025, pp. 41-43.

M. Pető: Space research and mini-satellites in secondary high school, in: L. Bacsárdi, K. Kovács (ed.), Selected papers of the 3rd International Conference on Research, Technology and Education of Space (H-SPACE2017), Magyar Asztronautikai Társaság, Budapest, 2017., 16-8, pp. 44.48.

Zs. Horváth: Earth's twins? Searching for exo-earths, in: Teaching physics innovatively, eds.: A. Király and T. Tél, Graduate School for Physics, 2016, pp.: 175-180

Cs. Fülöp, Zs. Horváth: Discover a black hole in the classroom: the "Pear-Star" Project, in: G. T. Orosz (ed.): 11th International Symposium on Applied Informatics and Related Areas (AIS 2016), Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, 2016., ISBN 978-615-5460-92-0, pp. 45-49.

M. Pető: Measuring the speed of light , Astronomy at our Schools, EAAE-IAU Course on Astronomy Education, Loulé, Portugal, 2016, pp. 88-92

A. Komáromi: Space Science in Thermodynamics , Proceedings of International Conference GIREP EPEC 2015 pp 207-211 (2016)

A. Komáromi: Rendere pIiu piacevole lo studio della fisica con la ricerca nello spazio, La Fisica Nella Scuola 54 : 2 pp. 129-133. , 5 p. (2016)

M. Pető: Differential rotation of the sun using the sunspots, Astronomy at our Schools, EAAE-IAU Course on Astronomy Education, Loulé, Portugal, 2016, pp. 49-56

A. Komáromi: Particelle - per essere toccate con le mani ... e non soltanto per l’insegnamento della fisica delle particelle elementari, La Fisica Nella Scuola 54 pp. 13-16. , 4 p. (2016)

M. Pető: Experiments with Cansat, ICPE-EPEC 2013 Proceedings pp. 766-774

Gy. Hudoba: The HUNVEYOR-Project, Physics Competitions Vol 14 No 2 2012 p.66-74